The II General Assembly of Acebraproposed the following points for discussion:
Review of the results of surveys carried out among members:
o Social Sciences and Health Sciences are the areas of knowledge with the highest incidence
o Gender percentages are 53.6% men and 44.6% women
o The predominant age varies between 41 and 50 years
o_11100000-0000-0000-0000-00000000111_ 94.6% of our members reside in Brazil
o_11100000-0000-0000-0000-00000000111_ The states with the highest incidence are Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Rio Grande do Norte
o_11100000-0000-0000-0000-00000000111_ If you are Spanish, the main regions of origin are Madrid (36.4%), Castile and León and Galicia (18.2% )
o_11100000-0000-0000-0000-00000000111_ Regarding the profession, 47% are professors and permanent researchers, followed by 16% postgraduates and 11% permanent researchers.
Acebra's latest institutional actions
o_11100000-0000-0000-0000-00000000111_ Acebra visits Brasília to promote bilateral agreements between Spain and Brazil
Possibility of inaugurating the communications committee
Information about the II International Meeting of Acebra 2024 that will be held in São Paulo next June at the headquarters of Colégio Cervantes.
Information about possible potential meetings with Acebra members
Consult on the most effective communication methods to inform partners
Promotion and dissemination of the association's WhatsApp group to increase the instantaneity of news and calls
Publish member information survey results soon
We hope to see you all next time!